Publikačná činnosť


24 záznamov

Smetana, M., Gombárska, D., Troppová, P., Klčo, P.: Application of wavelet transform in analysis of cough sound records, 24th International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2023, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-3035-9, English

Smetana, M., Gombárska, D., Vaverka, F.: Evaluation of artificial notches in conductive biomaterials by sweep frequency eddy current testing, 24th International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2023, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-3035-9, English

Gombárska, D., Smetana, M., Pšenáková, Z., Bolečková, S.: Modelling and simulation of radiofrequency electromagnetic field interaction with a male urogenital system, 24th International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2023, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-3035-9, English

Gombárska, D., Pšenáková, Z., Smetana, M., Bedriová, N.: Využitie 3D technológií pri výuke študentov BMI, Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství 2023 : Trendy BMI 2023, CZ, 2024, V2, , ISBN-978-80-214-6173-4, Slovak

Bedriová, N., Žilavý, M., Smetana, M.: Trénovanie správneho dýchania rádioterapeutických pacientov, Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství 2023 : Trendy BMI 2023, CZ, 2024, V2, , ISBN-978-80-214-6173-4, Slovak

Smetana, M., Gombárska, D., Pšenáková, Z., Klčo, P.: Analysis of the cough sound records, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Labuda, M., Prôčka, P.: Design of an electrocardiograph with programmable signal gain and adjustable DRL circuit gain – for education purposes, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Pšenáková, Z., Gombárska, D., Smetana, M.: Implementation of laboratory exercises in the process of teaching the subject of Electrical Circuits, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Gála, M., Pšenáková, Z.: Optimizing professional practice in biomedical engineering, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Bajtoš, M., Radil, R., Janoušek, L., Dang, N.: Assessing biological responses of saccharomyces cerevisiae to low-frequency electromagnetic fields, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Cichorowski, R., Kocikowska, O., Bajtoš, M., Radil, R., Janoušek, L., de Carrillo, D., Student, S.: Biological influence of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposition based on selected cell death markers, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Bačová, F., Beňová, M.: Exploring the impact of high-frequency electromagnetic fields in railway compartment, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Prôčka, P., Menich, Ľ., Labuda, M., Borik, Š.: Multimodal analysis of tissue dynamics - spotlight on perfusion and temperature, ELEKTRO 2024 : conference proceedings, US, 2024, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-7236-6, English

Vaverka, F., Smetana, M., Gombárska, D., Janoušek, L.: Numerical investigation of artificial notches using sweep frequency eddy current testing, 23rd International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2022, SK, 2023, V2, WOS, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-9626-3, English

Gombárska, D., Pšenáková, Z., Gajdošová, A.: Numerical model of realistic human head phantom, 23rd International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2022, SK, 2023, V2, WOS, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-9626-3, English

Prôčka, P.: Analysis of skin responsivity to allergy test with photoplethysmography imaging, Poster 2023 : Proceedings of the International Student Scientific Conference Poster, CZ, 2023, V2, , ISBN-978-80-01-07140-3, English

Babušiak, B., Šmondrk, M., Kolembusová, M.: Detekcia fóbií zo signálu elektrodermálnej aktivity, Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství 2023 : Trendy BMI 2023, CZ, 2023, V2, , ISBN-978-80-214-6173-4, Slovak

Šmondrk, M., Babušiak, B., Kreanová, A.: Využitie FSR senzorov pre monitorovanie dynamiky chôdze, Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství 2023 : Trendy BMI 2023, CZ, 2023, V2, , ISBN-978-80-214-6173-4, Slovak

Dachová, S., Gála, M.: Electrocardiograph-based identification of persons with sleep apnoea, TSP 2023 : 46th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing : AI for Bright Future of Humanity, CZ, 2023, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-0396-4 (online), English

Gutten, M., Korenčiak, D., Kučera, M., Šebök, M.: Comparison analysis of high-voltage transformers with different powers and insulation conditions using the FDS method, ICECET 2023 : international conference on electrical, computer and energy technologies, US, 2023, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-2781-6, English

Bajtoš, M., Radil, R., Janoušek, L., Dang, N.: Numerical simulations of static magnetic fields with Mu-metal cage shielding, 24th International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2023, US, 2023, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-3035-9, English

Bajtoš, M., Janoušek, L., Radil, R., Čarnecká, L., Paulecová, K.: Experimental protocol for biological experiments on Petri dishes, Measurement 2023 : proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Measurement, SK, 2023, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-978-80-972629-6-9, English

Labuda, M., Králiková, Ľ.: Biosignálmi riadený model auta, Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství 2023 : Trendy BMI 2023, CZ, 2023, V2, , ISBN-978-80-214-6173-4, Slovak

Bačová, F., Beňová, M.: The Specific Absorption Rate of 10g and 1g methods comparison for a child and an adult in a shielded space of railway compartment, 24th International conference on Computational problems of electrical engineering = CPEE 2023, US, 2023, V2, SCOPUS, ISBN-979-8-3503-3035-9, English

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